The Top 10 Questions People Ask About Cremations

Cremation has become the new normal in the U.S. when it comes to end-of-life arrangements. As more families choose cremation over traditional burial for their loved ones, there is an increasing need for more information about what cremation is and how the cremation process works. Here are some common questions that people ask about cremation.
How Much Does a Cremation Cost?
Cremation usually costs less than a traditional funeral and burial. For example, the price of a direct cremation can range from $600-$4,000 depending on the location. However, having a funeral or memorial service along with a cremation will add to the overall cost.
How Long Does a Cremation Take?
Depending on the size of the body, the cremation process typically takes about 2-3 hours to complete.
Do Cremated Ashes Really Look Like Ash?
Ashes from cremation typically look different than ashes from smoking. Cremated remains are usually grayish-white in color and have a coarse, sandy texture.
Is Embalming Required for Cremation?
No, embalming is not required for cremation. However, embalming is recommended if you plan to hold a public viewing or funeral service before the actual cremation.
Can You Have a Funeral Service With Cremation?
Yes. You can arrange to hold a funeral service and bring family and friends together to say their farewells to a loved one before cremation. Many families also arrange a memorial service after the cremation takes place.
Is a Casket Required for Cremation?
No, a casket is not required for cremation, but almost all crematories require the use of an “alternative container” to hold the body of the deceased before placing them in the cremation chamber. The container is usually a rigid, combustible box made out of cardboard or plywood. A casket can still be used for cremation as long as it’s non-toxic and doesn’t feature any metal parts.
What Is Aqua-Cremation?
Aqua-cremation (also known as alkaline hydrolysis) is a water-based dissolution process. Instead of using flames, aqua-cremation uses heat, pressure, and alkali chemicals to break the body down into chemical compounds.
Does My Religion Allow Cremation?
Many religions accept cremation. Most sects of Christianity (Catholic and Protestant), Buddhism, and Hinduism don’t have any rules against the practice. While Jewish law has traditionally forbidden cremation, an increasing number of Jews are opting to be cremated. Islam and the Eastern Orthodox Church do not allow cremation. If you have questions about cremation and your religion, it’s best to talk to a religious authority or a local cremation provider.
What Can You Do With Cremated Ashes?
Cremated ashes can be buried in a grave or placed in an above-ground columbarium niche in a cemetery. Many families also scatter the cremated ashes of a loved one in a special location.
Can You Fly With Cremated Ashes?
Yes, but make sure you contact the airline in advance because many of them have specific regulations regarding flying with cremated ashes. In addition, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) also requires compliance with their posted guidelines for transporting cremated remains.
If you’re looking for a funeral home near you that performs cremations, Funeralocity can help. Our website makes it easy to compare the prices and services of funeral homes in cities across the country. We thoroughly vet each provider to make sure that you have a trustworthy partner during this process. To find a funeral home that can meet your needs, explore our directory today.