Funeral Homes in Greeley, CO

Adamson Life Celebration Home

(970) 451-0988

2000 47th Ave., Greeley, CO 80634

The funeral directors at Adamson are highly trained professionals who are qualified to care for your family at your time of loss; and all are members of the Colorado Funeral Director's Association. We have the largest staff of any single funeral home in Northern Colorado. What that means to you is that when you need us, we'll be there. At Adamson you'll never hear, "we already have a service that day, you'll need to select another day". Our staff has conducted as many as six services in one day to accommodate our families schedules. At Adamson we celebrate life! As the exclusive provider of Life Celebration in Northern Colorado we will work with you to co-create a unique and memorable experience that encourages sharing memories and telling stories. Remembering the good times and walking down the path of your loved one's life will be a real source of comfort and healing in the days ahead. You'll find our facility to be one of the finest in Northern Colorado. Our private arrangement rooms, large viewing room and chapel, and on-site reception center will ensure the comfort of your family and guests. Unlike other corporate owned funeral homes, our owners are on site every day. What that means to you is that everything from prices to special requests are considered with an understanding that only comes from living here.


Jonathan Seitz

Business Manager/Owner

Features of Adamson Life Celebration Home

Veterans Services
First Responder Benefits
Grief support offered
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Prices of Adamson Life Celebration Home

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License: FH.0000544


Jonathan Seitz

Business Manager/Owner