Gene Gompf
303 Portland Way N, Galion, OH 44833
Over these many years, "undertaking" has grown and developed. In its early days, a caring individual would undertake the burdens and responsibilities of a grieving family, acting in their behalf and at their behest to arrange services and a funeral. Today, professionally licensed funeral directors and clinically trained and licensed embalmers provide to grieving families the services and facilities they require to honor a life which has ended. What has never changed, though, is the sincere desire of caring individuals to ease the burden of those in grief. Every life has meaning and value. The Mark A. Schneider Funeral Home is committed to providing aid and direction to those close to someone whose life has come to its earthly end. Our staff is comprised of dedicated professionals with a broad depth of funeral and cremation experience. We will answer all your questions regarding your options for funeral and cremation services. Please feel free to contact any of our staff members at any time.
Gene Gompf
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License: FH.003477
Gene Gompf