Funeral Homes in Salem, OR

Crown Cremation Services - Salem

(971) 272-8150

275 Lancaster Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97317

Call us: 971-272-8150 - In Salem, Crown Cremation Services has been the go-to partner for end-of-life arrangements for over 30 years. Our mission is simple: to make the process straightforward, convenient, and affordable for Salem families. Crown is a dignified and budget-friendly alternative to more expensive funeral services. Our dedicated team of licensed funeral directors and crematory operators is committed to ensuring the utmost dignity for your loved one throughout the entire journey. We firmly believe that simplicity, convenience, and affordability should not compromise the quality of care. Choose Crown Cremation Services in Salem with confidence, knowing that your choices will be honored, and your loved one will be treated with the respect they deserve.

Brandy Isaacson

Hospice Lead

Features of Crown Cremation Services - Salem

Cremation Services
Specializing in Hospice
Free Online Obituary
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Prices of Crown Cremation Services - Salem

Reviews for Crown Cremation Services - Salem

Marnie Jewell about Crown Cremation Services - Salem, 11/14/2023

Kind and considerate through a very difficult time. Worked to help make this as smooth as possible.

Gay Lynn Bath about Crown Cremation Services - Salem, 12/20/2023

Crown is easy to work with. They provide professionalism and compassion. Everything went very smoothly.

Brittney Lee about Crown Cremation Services - Salem, 01/25/2024

This was a very good experience. I’ve used them twice now.

Dawn Rhoades about Crown Cremation Services - Salem, 11/19/2024

Professional, courteous, quick responses, thorough about everything and how it works. Cost effective.

Polo Garcia Jr. about Crown Cremation Services - Salem, 11/29/2024

Very helpful in our most difficult time of my life. Very compassionate, understanding a patient. willing to go over things in detail.

License: FE-8924

Brandy Isaacson

Hospice Lead